am trying to structure my thoughts here in a way that makes sense so I can read it and edit it. My thoughts are all over the
place. When you're in your twenties and shit hits the fan (i.e.
traumatic events) than you really have an awakened heart. Being in the moment is a bit of a
struggle... Basically, it involves pinching
yourself to remind you that you're here
who I was working an AA program--in
this program it's traditional that one works the 12-steps.
My first go-around sobriety
started when I was 25, I was sober age 25-27. And my sponsor had a
folder for me with paper and all (very organized, which I love). She
would have me write a gratitude list everyday, highly recommend
starting a journaling habit, and read with me in “The Blue Book.”
Fast forward to now and I am 28, relapsed back in October 2014, sober
ever since. But my program is more eastern philosophy and creativity
based. Meaning I'm finding it more effective to stay sober by being in
moment, by feeding
my mind books & exercise, and trying to stay on top of expressing
myself through typing/writing these and sharing them virtal.
is a strange thing, I believe it to be kind of undervalued in this
day & age. I mean yoga and meditation help of course. Instead of being in the moment you're constantly
thinking the grass is greener on the other side.. it's a predicament.
Which brings me back to my AA workbook, finding that workbook
solidifies how important gratuity is. It reminded me to write.
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