America is Sexist

I am so grateful to be able to write this and clear my morning brain-fog. Type about all the random thoughts I'm having this morning. And I have not checked in on here to write about my feelings in sometime. My feelings are that I am letting go of some family bullshit, and just letting go of bullshit in general. I am so confused with the type of world that I live in. I feel like American society worships the penis. It is hard to explain, because it's more of a feeling that American's worship the penis. I just relate the penis to masculinity and patriarchy (think bureaucracy). Let me elaborate if you're following, the United States of America leaves womyn out of history textbooks and out of the government positions that run this country. It is transparent to me how out of balance the structure that rules the roost is. And it's everywhere if you just tune into it. I have heterosexual female friends that are a big part of the problem too. 

I may even be part of the problem, which is why I am writing about it, because it's such a nasty resentment. To resent how society feels like captivity and its oppression of womyn whether you want to admit it or not. It is not just my perception, these systems have a sneaky way of making us apathetic. All of this can come down to the fact that I am afraid. I am afraid that I see the world for it's bullshit and not its beauty. Although I don't think bullshit has to be ugly, maybe it can enlighten us. Same with pain and pleasure having to be so polarized. I think pain and pleasure are two in the same. See how I went from talking about Meathead's to patriarchy ? Now I am debating about posting my dirty laundry, my “journal blog.” It does take some humility admitting you're apathetic to something that is so important- and yes that's politics. But I feel free that I am letting an issue in the community out and opening some dialogue about it. Goddsess bless-
