Making Small Living Spaces Work for You

To best utilize your small space start smart by compartmentalizing and plan on getting rid of the clutter. First, lets start off with a small bedroom and different things you can do like, using dressers in your closet to maximize floor space. Keeping the space clean and organized will help open it up. Also using smaller beds will clearly make a small room bigger. Now moving onto the kitchen, to make a kitchen seem more inviting clean after use...especially if it is small. Piled dishes and pots everywhere on the surface areas will only make your kitchen seem smaller. Put things away in there special cupboards. Label if you must and bring in some green house plants to add a fresh lively feel. Last but not least would be the living room which is usually the 'hang out room for family & guests.' So it's important to open it up so it feels casual and relaxing when you walk in. Again indoor plants like peace lilies will make the small space seem more enchanting and welcoming-- same with a fish tank (bring in life here.) And an under-stated entertainment area would be ideal. Meaning smaller appliances like televisions and radios. Using small electronics will open up a small living space. Finally, Natural lighting and a hung up mirror are all classic-conventional ways to make your space seem bigger.
