The Practice of a Hobby

I have been trying to invite more hobbies into my life. Whether it's cooking from scratch, renting books from the library and actually reading them, or writing. When your in the market of hobby searching and think you've found one than it's important to practice it regularly. That's my issue, I jump on the band wagon-- become obsessed and excited like a school girl and then I'm over it. For example I wanted to become a 'self-taught' computer programmer. I dove in and once it got frustrating.. I dropped it. I'm still interested in learning code (HTML & CSS.) Because we use technology daily and knowing how it works is a real skill and art. Another area of interest was and still is : 'Linux operating systems.' I am fascinated with how the world's super computers run.
If that all sounds too techy-- it's really not. It's just free software. I'd like to take a course on it. And last but not least is the practice of writing pen and paper or typing. As well as reading books. I was thinking what should I write about today? I should write about what's on my mind... 'hobbies.'

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