Saint Valentine and Today
Today is a fun holiday. Valentines day has its roots in Saint Valentine. What a special occasion so special you should give someone something cliche. As a matter of fact the more dorky the better. Like red roses with sparkles all over and champagne. Today is a catholic holiday though. Holy shit this whole time I've been sending little red and pink cards to all my friends. And I've been hoping for red roses. Maybe a good horror movie to top it off. But not a saint that died for his ideologies. What the heck have I been celebrating ? I blame hallmark and the candy industry. My mom was a catholic though so I respect the faith.
I wonder what a saint would have to do to be sentenced to life in jail and why the Roman's cut his head off. I have things in mind, but Saint Valentine got sentenced to life in jail for secretly marrying couples against the churches wishes. Now we can all agree how sweet it is to risk it all in the name of love. It all sounds kind of dark and not so romantic. But hey I'm into dark backstories.
Loose Lips on a Heart Filled Day
Anyways I'm writing this article at the new Starbucks down the street. I'm using my macbook, which I never do. I like the interface design of this laptop. Everything is creative and bubbly on here. I like writing on different devices and in new places. Like here in Starbucks I'm listening to music and watching people come in and getting their caffeine or sugar fix. I prefer drip coffee either black or with heavy cream. But there is a drink I love called a: caffe' misto. It's a french drink mixed with coffee and streamed milk. It's tasty.
Now back to Valentines day. I already touched on its history now I'm going to talk about why I like it. I'm indifferent towards the holiday for the most part. My partner doesn't have to get me anything. But I got her a card that says: "you're the syrup to my pancake." And she made me pancakes. So we like to have fun with it just like any other day. I take love very seriously and since my partner and I are both woman we don't get to celebrate like the heteros. The heterosexuals think they know what love is. And maybe they do. But they don't know what queer love is. Love is nothing more, nothing less than an extension of yourself. It's to grow spirtually together.
To Crush or Not to Crush
When I was sixteen I use to write love letters to my crushes. I still do but to my partner. My crushes in highschool were mostly the opposite sex. It was like going fishing. Which boy is going to respond to the bait. I went through four years of this writing letters to my crushes because I thought I knew what love was. Really I was just a horny teenager I didn't understand my urge to merge. I saw 'Dawson's Creek' one too many times. Now that I'm thirty, flirty and thriving and read: 'The Road Less Traveled,' I'm educated on what love is and what it's not. If your curious read the book it's helped me get over the myth of romantics. I'm not saying don't be romantic I love being a corn ball myself. But don't misunderstand what love really is. It's an acceptance and willingness to grow with your partner or anybody else for the matter. Nothing more, nothing less. Wishing you all plenty of love today. Muah
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